Most of the stories found in the bible emphasis the importance of Jordan as a destination for people who seek Knowledge of the bible and for people who are interested in living the life of Jesus. Stories found in the bible refers to Jordan as Trans Jordan,
The land of the Dead Sea Valley, the garden of the lord, was generously bestowed by Abraham to lot his nephew, and his descendents the ammonites and the Maobites. (Gen13,10)
The Mount Nebo, Moses looked with hope at the land of rest which his people would enter (Deut 4,26; 34,1)
The Jordan River, the place where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist (Mark 1:2-8)
Bethhabara, newly spotted ruins of the Byzantine period with a church built in commemorating John the Baptist by the emperor Anastasius.
The Bethany Saphsaphas, in the 7th century a monk was travelling from Jerusalem to Arabia. When he crossed the Jordan river he was stricken by a fever and was forced to take refuge in a cave. Three days later, saint John the Baptist appeared to him in a dream and tried to dissuade him from continuing his pilgrimage, John told the Monk “ this little cave is greater than Mount Siani. Our lord Jesus Christ has come in here to pay me a visit, convinced, and recovered the Monk turned this cave into a church.
Wadi El Karar: According to the Gospel, John the Baptist was preaching and baptizing in Bethany beyond the Jordan this place was located in the region of Wadi el Kahrar.
Mukawir, the place where John the Baptist was beheaded,,,John told King Herod that he had sinned for marrying his brothers wife Herodias. Later King Herod had him arrested and locked up in the fortress of Mukawir, and John tragically died. Look (MK 6, 14-29)
Geddarra (part of the legue of the ten cities), The place where Jesus perdomed one of his miricales the healing of the man with the evil spirits.


      Special program for biblical tours "The life of Jesus"
       This program is designed for people who are interested in the life of Jesus Christ. In this program we will observe the areas that Jesus visited during his life time, the place of baptism on the Jordan River, with an extension to Israel to complete the circle of the life of Jesus Christ.

This program will enhance the understanding of the bible.

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